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No title of nobody comprises the creation residency of Vânia Rovisco and Romeu Runa for the production of a new collaborative work of contemporary dance, which both perform.
The collaboration between them and the desire to create together dates back to 2016, on the occasion of the Bregas event, at the atelier of João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, in Lisbon, where they presented a live process that worked as a performative installation, a live sculpture revealing itself in the turn of a final product, an act of composition in which the chosen bodies and objects dialogue with each other in front of the public’s gaze.
This new meeting continues to have as a starting point the mutual appreciation for the work of the Belgian sculptress Berlinde de Bruyckere, with whom they both worked in their professional careers.

“Intuitively, we understand that there are individual behaviors that have greater influence than others, almost like master beams that support the entire structure and that if they are removed, the system collapses. Like a Roman arch. In a way, the duet meets a form of choreographic writing about an event that, even though it is resourced with ideas, is not about what they are but about the effect they produce.”

Actual Arquitectura da Cultura - AADK Portugal

  • Azeitão, Setúbal - Portugal

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